The Final Quest – The Monster Hunter vs. The Dovahkiin

Before Fight MH vs D

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipherAlright, our fighters are ready:

Catch the Prelude Here: The Final Quest – PRELUDE

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Which of these power-stealing hunters and heroes will take home the other’s head?

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Let’s find out, in the Clash! I call the Hunter! I have over 500 hours on my Monster Hunter Freedom Unite save file so there’s no way I’ll lose!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Fine by me, I have 600 hours logged on Skyrim. Let’s throw down.

Titan Select - MH

Titan Select - Dovahkiin


    Location: Throat of the World – 9 a.m.

ThroatOfTheWorld by CyrillCipher

The Dovahkiin stands atop the snowy peak, the frigid winds bouncing off his dark plate armor as he waited. He feels an ill omen approaching, tainting the wind and snow to taste of anguish and burnt metal. He hears loud, clinking strides coming toward him, and so he dons his shield and readies his hand at his sheathed blade.

A boot sets foot upon the last step of the mountain, shining so cleanly that not even a shadow was cast. The ivory-clad dragonslayer finally came face to face with the ebony-clad Dragonborn. The man known only by his epithet, the Monster Hunter, pulled a sheet out from his armor: A bounty set on what was labeled a “dragonchild” by the locals of Pokke Village. The Hunter hadn’t suspected a human, but seeing how well-armed and intimidating the figure was against the pale, cloudy sky piques his instincts.

Without a word, as words were not needed, the Hunter grips his draconic blade and shield in response to the Dovahkiin’s stance, brandishing and pointing the forked blade at his quarry. Dovahkiin gropes his Daedric Sword’s handle and unsheathes it, letting embers crackle out into the wintry air, the faint mirages of heat billowing out of the blade as orange lights cascaded down the daedric steel.

Time seems to stand still as the two stand fast. And then, the Hunter lunges forward with a battle cry.


Clash! by CyrillCipher


Dovahkiin responded to this rush with a swift utterance:


Unrelenting forces slam into the Hunter and send him reeling off the cliffside, Dovahkiin leaping in pursuit of the assailant. The Hunter crashes over the stone face, regaining his bearings to see a heavily armored warrior hurtling after him, blade outstretched. The Hunter tucks and kicks his feet out, catching the Dovahkiin midair, spinning him around, and kicking him to the ground below. Dovahkiin lands without injury, and the Hunter follows suit. The two clash blades in unison as they ease around in the deep snow. Dovahkiin’s downward slash is blocked with a shield uppercut from the Hunter. Both spin around with a slash, only for their blades to bounce off each other.

The Hunter lunges forward and strikes the Dovahkiin’s shield with enough force to stagger the Nord. The Hunter reaches forward to follow up, but finds no quarter as Dovahkiin turns, flames streaming out of his hands. The Hunter holds aloft his shield but is soon overtaken by the inferno. As Dovahkiin steps forward in confidence, the Hunter vaults high into the air, having equipped a long glaive with a green eye at the end of it. He lands, slamming the weapon down where the Dovahkiin stands, or once stood as he rolled out of the way.

A wide swing and a downward slam from the Hunter leads to bolts of lightning flying from the hands of the Dovahkiin, neither fighter hitting the other. The Hunter pulls back the rod and fires a pink pheromone bullet at his foe, dousing him in the strange smelling scent. Dovahkiin switches strategies and suddenly turns invisible, a purple vortex forming behind him with a Frost Atronach stepping out to take his place. Swiftly, the Hunter vaults over the elemental’s sweeping sword-arm and lands on its head and, from there, throws out his Kinsect. Stealth wasn’t an option, as the bug follows the pheromones that were shot prior. The Hunter splits the Atronach in two with a leaping thrust, in time to see the Kinsect be skewered by the no longer invisible Nightingale Blade, and the Nord that held it.

Putting the glaive away, the Hunter pulls out a large, unfolding mini-cannon, the Fatalis Transformer. Aiming a shot at the Dovahkiin, the Hunter fired, the recoil pushing him back through the snow. Dovahkiin blocks the projectile in time with his shield and scoffs, only to find the tip of the shot stuck to his shield and still glowed brightly.


It was the Dovahkiin’s turn to be careen off the mountain, with the Hunter diving after him. He fires several Pellet S while sky diving after the Dovahkiin, raining shrapnel down on the Dragonborn who could only defend against the lethal rain with a Warding field. Soon enough the Hunter catches up and reveals a giant, sharpened slab of bone, the Fatalis Legacy, holding it ready for a swing. Dovahkiin shouted to the heavens:


Orange energies bear themselves to Dovahkiin’s core and armor, resembling draconic tattoos. Pulling out his own Daedric Greatsword, he matches the Hunter’s reckless swing, flames spitting alongside the opposing force’s dark plasma. The two tumble together, blades locked, until they collapse at their fall’s end, another snowy clearing by yet another cliff. The two were separate, Hunter at the rock face and Dovahkiin closer to the edge. The two stare each other down menacingly. And then, they both whip out all manner of potions and resistance drinks and steroids and start gobbling them down.

Once they were full of nutrients, juice, and mystic drinks, the Hunter brandishes his Switch Axe and charges in, Dovahkiin following suit with his Mace of Molag Bal. Dovahkiin tries to take a swing, but the mace glances off the axe’s blade, introducing an electricity-filled blunt strike to his chest. The Nord reels back and holds his hand up, crude geometric shapes dancing in his palm, as the Hunter lands an overhead chop on the Dragonborn’s skull… Only for the blade to bounce off non-threateningly, a wave of cyan washing over the Dovahkiin’s body.

In an instant, Dovahkiin pulls out Mehrune’s Razor and slashes the Hunter’s hands, knocking the Switch Axe away. In another instant, the Hunter was in a headlock, knife at his throat. He struggles, but it was no use. The Dovahkiin quickly stabbed the Hunter twice in the chest with the dagger before his captive breaks free, throwing the Dragonborn over his shoulder. Dovahkiin quickly got to his feet and pulls out the Dwarven Black Bow of Fate, aiming a shot directly at the Hunter’s head.

After collecting his axe, the Hunter tries to evade, but suddenly felt his movements become lethargic. The Dovahkiin smirks under his demonic helmet and loosens his grip on the string. As the arrow flies through the air, the Hunter lunges forward, tucking his head in to his chest to avoid the arrow. His head flips back up in a moment as he flexes to show his excellent health. Dovahkiin warily watches as the Hunter puts away the empty phial of Herbal Medicine and checks his inventory to find a phial of leaking paralysis poison. He crushes it in his hands and lets the shards pierce the snow.

The Hunter bears his arms to his sides and reveals his chest as he swayed back and forth, as though to call out the Dovahkiin’s cowardice in the use of poison . Dovahkiin sees through the taunt and trap and conjures two dark-purple portals to Oblivion. From the depths walk out two heavily armored Dremora Lords, both carrying heavy Daedric Greatswords that glimmered with fiery power. The Hunter steps back, watching the now tripled number of foes. The Hunter pulls out a dark grey ball and chucks it at the ground, filling the mountainside with a thick smoke.

The Dremora Lords and Dovahkiin are consumed by the smoke, visibility severely reduced. Dovahkiin could only see shadows clashing as he holds aloft his Dwarven Bow. The sound of the Lords screaming “Coward!!” echo around him, but it wasn’t long before two holes to Oblivion open and two figures left the battlefield, the Hunter clearly not among them.

The shadow approaches Dovahkiin and the brutish summoner had had enough of the Hunter’s games:


The smoke instantly dissipates and reveals the Hunter, running at breakneck speeds with a long, horned lance pointing directly at the Dovahkiin’s torso. The receiver sidesteps the lance, and the Hunter swiftly stops and swings the lance around, draconic energies sparking in the wind as it barely scratches Dovahkiin’s Daedric Armor. The Hunter proceeds with the offensive, firing out lance lunges like overclocked clockwork, all being avoided or blocked by Dovahkiin’s shield and Daedric War Axe.

The Hunter lunges too far as the Dovahkiin parries the lance away, leaving his foe wide open. Pulling out the Staff of Magnus, he fires a dense ray of thirsty magic which pushes on the Hunter’s risen shield. The Hunter has no choice but to fall back, but to his back was a distinct lack of footing, as he is pushed against the cliff’s edge.

Raining the ray on his quarry without relent, Dovahkiin holds the upper hand. A bottle-shaped projectile was thrown skyward from behind his foe’s shield. Dovahkiin followed up with his eyes and, in an instant, all he could see was white.

Pulling out his Hammer, the Old Fatalis Ruiner, Hunter runs to the Dovahkiin and swings with excessive force. The Dovahkiin comes to his senses in time to be sent flying through the cold mountain air, his arm and three ribs demolished by the draconic bludgeon. He lands hard in the snow, his body wracked with pain. His hand glows gold with Restoration magic and he swiftly works to mend his bones. No sooner did he finish did the Hunter follow up, Long Sword trailing behind him and crackling with blood red electricity along the plain, grey snow.

Dovahkiin rolls out of the way as a clean decapitating uppercut narrowly misses his neck. He rises to his feet and his hands froth with frost. The Hunter turns to face his foe, but is instantly buffeted by intense, frigid winds and snowy gales. He squints as his eyelashes froze over, finding the Dovahkiin gripping the air around him with icy hands, commanding the winds into frosty, lashing whips around him.

Nothing the Hunter hadn’t seen before.

The Hunter waltzes through the blizzard magic as though it was a minor inconvenience, toting his Fatalis Veneranda like a baseball bat. The frigid blasts were little more than a chilly breeze to the monstrous foe.

But that’s exactly what the Dovahkiin was hoping for.


The Hunter’s Long Sword launches like a cannon out of his grasp, embedding itself in the snow behind him. The Hunter went to retrieve it, but the Dovahkiin’s hands glow a muted red as he points them at the grounded blade. Suddenly, the blade peels out of the snow and swings into the Hunter’s shoulder, embedding deeply into it. Dovahkiin lunges forward to follow up, grabbing onto the sword and kicking his foe away. The Hunter staggers backward as Dovahkiin closes the distance, holding his enemy’s weapon aloft.

Suddenly, the Hunter pulls out a green cloak and vanishes. Dovahkiin looks around him, but cannot seem to track him. Holding the Fatalis Veneranda on his shoulder, he uses his off-hand to cast a mysterious light, one that forms a path in front of him. He follows it as it turns him around, leading him to the stone face of the mountain. He reaches the wall and finds the trail scales up the stone face. Dovahkiin looks up, only to hear strange sounds akin to a lyre mixed with a lumber saw play out. He couldn’t hear them very well, so he sets a foot up on the wall in preparation to climb, only for the sounds to stop as soon as he did.

Dovahkiin’s eyes narrow as he hears a quiet whistle, and, from above, the Hunter falls with a giant guitar following after him in his grip. His quarry leaps away from the stone face as the Hunter slams his Hunting Horn into it, causing the mountainside to explode in a white cloud, massive chunks of rock flying everywhere and snow blustering around as he lands. Dovahkiin avoids several giant rocks falling onto where he stood milliseconds ago as the stone face crumbles above the fighters and shoots rocks into the air.

All the while, the Hunter briskly walks toward Dovahkiin, drinking a yellow elixir and brandishing two short blades, one looking like a heavy golden horn and the other like a black nail. The Hunter rushes to Dovahkiin, who swings forward with the Hunter’s Long Sword, but was too slow. A deep gash appears on the Daedric Breastplate and blood geysers out. Dovahkiin slings the heavy weapon onto his back and with a flash of gold he quickly mends the wound as he backsteps out of the way of his foe’s slashes. He brandishes his own dual blades, Soulrender and Bloodscythe, and leaps onto a falling rock. The Hunter gives chase.

The Dovahkiin leaps from one rock to another, Hunter in hot pursuit. On a dime, the Dovahkiin turns and receives the Hunter, blocking his incoming strike and reciprocating with a heavy kick to the gut. The Hunter flies backward, suspended in the air, until a large rock gives him a foothold.


The wind seems to ally itself with the warrior as the Hunter approaches, which made the Hunter cross his blades and envelop himself in a dense, flickering red energy in response. As the two finally reached each other, they clash faster than the average eye could perceive as small faint explosions lit the two up between each unwasted strike, the flickering of blue, red, and black light dancing across the devastated mountain cliffs. The two roam from falling boulder to boulder, racing up the falling rocks while giving the other no quarter. Dovahkiin spins like a typhoon and the Hunter spins like a whirlwind, both’s weapons bouncing off each other on contact.

The collapsing rocks reach the bottom of the mountain and the two warriors slide into the neighboring fir forest, their forms still flickering as they fight relentlessly and passionately.


Suddenly, time slows down. As the Hunter moves in slow motion, Dovahkiin puts away his blades and pulls out the Fatalis Long Sword. He ducks and steps forward with great force, seeking to end the fight with the next slash.

He instantly realizes how poor a decision that was when the Hunter’s eye glint red and quickly shift downward, a Flash Bomb sailing through the air in slow motion as well. Dovahkiin lets loose his slash, only for it to crash into the bottle and turn his world white once more. Blind, Dovahkiin wildly slashes, carving two large gashes in the Hunter’s torso, but not life-threatening ones.

The Dovahkiin’s sight returns as he is about to let loose a swing that held all his strength… But time resumes before he can land it. The Hunter swiftly drops his Dual Blades and pulls out his Charge Blade, blocking the swipe with the human-sized shield. Dovahkiin watches in surprise as the Hunter combines the sword and shield into a giant spinning axe that glows ominously. The Hunter slams his giant axe into the ground, causing their footing to erupt in dark plasma and steam from melted snow.

Before the steam clears, a volley of gigantic arrows fly through the mist. Dovahkiin easily parries and blocks them, pulling out Chillrend and his Daedric Shield. Another volley comes, which he blocks easily as well, but he hears an all too familiar whistle from above, as a rain of arrows fly down on him like a hellish rain. He raises his shield like an umbrella as he tries avoiding the frontal attacks as well, but let one arrow slip past and graze his neck. The steam finally clears and reveals a dragon head with four horns, and the Hunter holding it, walking to the Dovahkiin without any hesitation, almost arrogantly.

Dovahkiin would have followed suit and mimicked the arrogant display, but something wasn’t quite right. He couldn’t bear to keep his eyes open, they were drooping and he could not shake off that sleepy feeling. The Nord stumbles and face-plants into the snow, snoring muffled. The Hunter could only smile.

When the Dovahkiin wakes up moments later, he has enough time to register the barrels surrounding him and their faint smell of gunpowder. The Hunter takes cover behind a large tree, and points the muzzle of his Light Bowgun trained on one barrel, already flashing from a shot. Dovahkiin mutters something like “Feim Zii–”


The side of the mountain was turns red and orange, the smoke billowing up as though it were a beacon. The Hunter leaves the tree and puts away his Bowgun. Inspecting the burning remains of the barrels. He could find no sign of his adversary. As the Hunter pulls out the bounty papers for his kill, he hears something rustle from the ashes. The Dovahkiin emerges from the smoke, completely unharmed. The Hunter quickly Rapid Fired into his enemy, only for each shot to pass through his foe’s body.

The Hunter pulls out his Gunlance and, before he could do a thing, his foe’s hands spark red and launch a strange projectile. The Hunter couldn’t block it in time and as ominous red energy swirls around him, he loses focus for a moment.

Assuming his Illusion magic had worked, Dovahkiin pulls out his Ebony Blade and thrusts it into the Hunter’s gut. Or, he would have if the Hunter hadn’t immediately pivoted out of its way and given his foe a swift punch to the temple of his head. The Dragonborn staggers into kneeling, and the Hunter gets up close and personal, Gunlance at the ready and aims it squarely at the Dovahkiin’s head. Dovahkiin desperately cried out:


Suddenly, the Hunter freezes in place, unable to move his limbs. He struggles and twitches, but could not move. In fact, he intentionally lowers his guard to his foe. Dovahkiin stands up, cracks his neck, dusts himself off, pulling out Dragonbane, taking aim before lunging forward again. The Hunter struggles ever more, but the blade plunges into the Hunter’s abdomen, causing sparks of electricity to fly out and a viscous red liquid to pour out. The Dovahkiin stabs again, and again, and then… The katana clangs against a shield.

The Hunter was able to block the attack just in time to not be stabbed again. The Dovahkiin’s eyes grow wide. The Hunter finally breaks out of the magic trance, and meets the Dovahkiin’s blade, overpowering the Dragonborn.

Dovahkiin is launched through a tree before tumbling across the ground. The Hunter gives chase, pulling out his Sword & Shield once more. Dovahkiin looks up to the sky and back to the Hunter. He pulls out Auriel’s Bow and knocks an arrow, aiming for the Sun. Just as the Hunter leaps for a slash, Dovahkiin lets the arrow fly, the sky shining brilliantly. Before the Hunter could land his slash, a beam of light blasts him in the head and knocks him out of the air. He looks up to find the Sun bombarding the land with burning rays of light, and before he could regain his bearings, he was hit again.

Dovahkiin’s Dragon Aspect vanishes as he pulls out his lightning magic. Casting it with both hands, Dovahkiin blasts the stationary Hunter, electricity coursing all across the Hunter’s body as the Sun rains hallowed waves of heat on him from above. As the firestorm concludes Dovahkiin raises his Ebony Blade and cleaves into the Hunter’s chest with it, blood gushing out of the long, deep wound. Hunter falls to the ground as his opponent absorbs the life energy his blade drains.

Sensing his life was truly in danger and that the Dovahkiin was fighting more seriously now, the Hunter pulls out another mantle, one brown like leather. Covering himself with it, he gets up, brandishing his Switch Axe again. Dovahkiin looks on in arrogance now, the same arrogance the Hunter exuded when he had the upper hand. Dovahkiin meets the axe-blade with his nodachi, the two pivoting around each other swiftly and gracefully, but somehow brutally as well. The Hunter swings high and the Dovahkiin meets him, striking down against the axe. Dovahkiin quickly rushes in with a twin stab to either shoulder of his adversary, taking in more healing as his foe suffers.

The Hunter was backed into a corner, the mountain face at his back and the Dovahkiin closing in on his front. Trees block his sides. Dovahkiin strolls up, his Ebony Blade dragging along the ground. The Hunter looks around and gets an idea. He inches closer to the tree on his right and pulls out his Hammer. Before Dovahkiin could react, the Hunter knocks the tree over with his remaining strength, blood shooting from his wounds from the exertion. Dovahkiin stands still and quickly chops the tree in two, thinking the obstacle was no issue for him. He looks back to find the Hunter leaping onto the mid-falling tree trunk to vault over his opponent, raining Rapid Fire Thunder Shots on his enemy from above. Dovahkiin avoids the attacks and gives chase.

Finally with some distance between him and his opponent, the Hunter drinks the last of his potions. Dovahkiin closes the distance again, and so the Monster Hunter about-faces and greets him with his Triumph and Testament. Dovahkiin parries every arrow, his Daedric Shield and Miraak’s Sword flashing from the speed at which he hit the incoming attacks. He lunges in for another shot at his foe, only for the Hunter to roll under him. The two quickly get into a battle stance several feet apart, carefully eyeing the other.

Dovahkiin then chooses to utter the words that would bring their confrontation into its endgame. He slaps his sword against his shield, viking-style, and bellowed to the heavens:


The skies darken. Tall, cumulonimbus clouds tower over the sun and blot it out. Blue bolts drop from the sky and strike the ground with great prejudice. The Hunter’s White Fatalis Armor seemed to react to the storm, sparkling with red electricity as red sparks cascaded across the clouds. Blue and pink lightning raining on the lands of Skyrim.

Dovahkiin lunges forward, sweeping his blade horizontally as tentacles from Apocrypha lunge out with him. The Hunter quickly chops the tentacles and avoids his enemy’s swipe, retaliating with a double diagonal slash in the shape of an X. Dovahkiin avoids the first slash and blocks the second. The Hunter fires a hook from his Slinger at his opponent’s shield and reels himself to it. Dropping his own Sword & Shield, he grips the shield arm of his foe and twists the Dovahkiin’s elbow backward, tearing the shield from his grip. Before the Hunter could continue, a blue lightning bolt separate the two fighters and spares the Nord from the ferocity of the feral monster hunter.

The Dragonborn forcibly resets the bones in his arm with a sickening squlech-crack before he heals them with Restoration magic. The Hunter sees this and pulls out his Insect Glaive and lobs it javelin-style into the Dovahkiin’s shoulder. Blood spurts as the Dovahkiin staggers, his arm healed but his shoulder now in disrepair.

Before he could give the Dovahkiin a chance to pull out the glaive, the Hunter closes the distance and forcefully inserts his Lance into the Dovahkiin’s gut, directly above the hips. Dovahkiin kneels, his legs having given out.

The Hunter pulls out his Triumph and Testament and launches arrows to pin the Dovahkiin’s knees to the ground. Dovahkiin refuses to let this be the end, lifting his right hand, which glows orange. He charges it for a moment before blasting the Hunter with an explosive Fireball.

Flames consume the man, but the Hunter emerges from the immolation, armor damaged and neck and face singed considerably. The Dovahkiin sits there, a pincushion of arrows and lances, barely holding onto consciousness. The Hunter steps back and pulls out his Gunlance. The barrel goes aflame and releases fire like a zippo, but the whistling of the technical lance left nothing but dread in the hearts of those who heard it. Dovahkiin had one last rush of inspiration. He would not let it end like this.

The arrows in his knees snapped and the Lance in his chest he tore out. He struggles to his feet brandishing his dual blades once more, crying out:


The Gunlance’s Wyvern Fire explodes forth like a violent apocalypse. The Dragonshout pushes against it with all its might. The artificial dragon’s flames batters at the Unrelenting Force, until the two cancel each other out. Dovahkiin, not missing a beat, rushes in, leaping with blades tucked under his arms, ready to slash at the Hunter’s head. The Hunter, hearing the click of the Gunlance’s cooling mechanism, drops his weapon and brandishes his Great Sword once more, charging up a deft blow, and the one that he hoped would end this melee.


The two let loose their strikes, and for a brief moment, the howling winds grew quiet. Blood stains the snow. The Hunter’s arms fly off his body, landing in the snow next to him. His blade falls into the snow, embedded in the earth. The Dovahkiin’s torso reveals a large gash down his chest. He’s forced to kneel as blood gushes out of his wound, his blades falling to his sides.

The two take a moment, and the Hunter gets up, and walks away. The Dovahkiin turns, only for his body to come apart, having been perfectly bisected. He falls in the red snow beneath him, ceasing movement.

The Hunter looks on, before collapsing in the forest, breathing heavily. He hears the pattering of paws around him, and looks up to find a host of Snow Wolves, anxiously awaiting what would soon be a meal. The Hunter chuckles, getting to his feet again, brandishing his Sword & Shield’s blade in his mouth, ready to hunt the monsters…


Ko! by CyrillCipher


Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Now that’s a real kill.
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: With how everyone thought this would be a stomp in Dovahkiin’s favor going in, we need to go into plenty of detail on how Dovahkiin lost. After all, way too many details were pointing at the Dovahkiin being the victor like Universal+ capabilities through scaling.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Before we go into too much detail about that, let’s start by confirming the capabilities of the Monster Hunter. This boy’s highest Attack Potency comes from the White Fatalis. In Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, White Fatalis is introduced by performing an impressive feat of moving the Moon in front of the Sun, causing an unnatural eclipse.
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Based on the math done by one AmeliaLonelyheart (Blog), we find the total force needed to perform this feat is 569 Zettatons of TNT, which is around the lower spectrum of Planet Level.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: And it makes sense too. The Fatalis and its counterparts are rumored in lore to one day bring about the end of the world after all. And, using the weapon power of 300 as the base for this Attack Potency, when hyped up on Might Pills, Powercharms/Powertalons, the Armor Skill Bonus Damage, and Hunting Horn buffs, not mentioning specialized buffs like the Power Coating for the Bow or Power Phial of the Switch Axe, that scales up all the way to an impermanent 819 Zettatons of TNT. Not much higher into Planet Level, but it was neat to find the bonus AP to be 44%.
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: The Hunter scaling to these numbers is also fair, seeing as he wears a suit of White Fatalis Armor, uses White Fatalis Weapons, slayed the White Fatalis, and the White Fatalis Armor is rumored to turn Hunters who wear it into a new White Fatalis.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Creepy bit of lore to be honest. So, the Hunter has Planet Level AP and FTL+ Speed thanks to Shah Dalamadur. How does the Dovahkiin stack up in comparison?
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Well, not particularly effectively. You see, there’s too many outliers in scaling Dovahkiin to Alduin’s strongest. After all, it’s clear Alduin wasn’t at his “World Eater” state in his fight with the Dovahkiin, as evidenced by his inability to traverse through time, something he shouldn’t have had an issue with if he killed time-traveling time-weaving dragons, his immortality rent asunder thanks to the Dovahkiin’s Dragonrend shout, the significantly smaller scale and potency of his attacks during several fights with the Dovahkiin, and so on.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: The easiest way to get rid of him in the past was to send him 7000 years into the future. If he had the ability to go back and say “lol, you thought it’d be that easy?” don’t you think he would do that? Don’t you think the lore would make a reason for that not to be the case?
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: It is inconclusive to say that Alduin surpasses time itself and claim his speed is immeasurable. It is unfair to say that Alduin was hitting the Dovahkiin with Universal+ yield attacks when Alduin, according to the events of Skyrim, did not display his Universal+ capabilities. Claiming Dovahkiin scales to Alduin’s immortality since he slayed Alduin doesn’t make sense either since Dovahkiin deactivated Alduin’s immortality through Dragonrend. By saying Dovahkiin scales to Alduin’s immortality would be to ignore the lore of the game itself. Scaling should take into account the conditions of the characters when they are in instants of scalability.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Hell, Alduin was munching on souls in Sovngarde to boost his strength. Sure, a bit of plot-induced stupidity could be the case for a lot of this, but that’s the plot-induced stupidity Alduin that Dovahkiin scales to. Not to mention most of Alduin’s feats are just statement, especially him taking down the Jills as it is never outright shown. Hell, we can’t even find the supporting info for him killing Jills with his fire-breath. Honestly, I kinda don’t wanna touch Elder Scrolls lore again, it’s hella cryptic half the time.
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: In their fight, Alduin was clearly not at his strongest, and therefore the Dovahkiin deserves only to be scaled to what Alduin showed in that fight. Sorry Elder Scrolls fans, but that is most definitely not Universal+ Levels and Immeasurable Speeds. Dovahkiin scaling to Alduin’s strongest is conditional, and Dovahkiin does not meet those conditions. The only time we can use these Universal+ calculations are only if Dovahkiin fought Alduin at the end of time or in his prime, where his speed would be immeasurable, his attack potency universal, and his durability appropriately challenged.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: So, where does that land the Dovahkiin then? His greatest feat of speed would be reacting to natural lightning, which is only Massively Hypersonic. The yield from his attacks, comparable to Alduin’s own Dragon Storm Call and the absorption of Miraak’s Soul, would be around 3.738 Petatons, which is still high-end Continent Level. I already know what you’re thinking: What about Auriel’s Bow? That moves at Massively FTL speeds while Monster Hunter’s speed is capped out at FTL+.
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: That’s only the Sun rays traveling from the Sun to Skyrim and is not a show of Dovahkiin’s personal speed. While it can hit Monster Hunter with ease, the yield of each ray, according to thermodynamics, totals only 0.284 Tons of TNT, which is Small Building Level. Versus Planet Level durability, that’s nothing. Even the lightning from the Storm Call itself is only 2.3 Tons of TNT, which is Large Building Level.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: What about Miraak’s Soul? Miraak easily dispatched Dovahkiin when they first met and Miraak said he could easily do away with Alduin if he chose to!
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Miraak was a loudmouth who Dovahkiin wiped the floor with until he got freelo killed by Hermaeus Mora. The reason for Dovahkiin’s earlier weakness when he first met Miraak is because he was not in Apocrypha with his full power, as Miraak later states. (At 2:33:10) Even Frea stated that Dovahkiin, after reading the Black Book, remained in Solstheim but also ‘didn’t’. (At 29:04)

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Plus, he knew the Bend Will Dragonshout, so of course he could have challenged Alduin and gotten him to, I dunno, slit his own throat? Banish himself maybe? But it would’ve been hard to kill Alduin with Alduin’s immortality getting in the way, so I don’t know what the hell he was smoking to claim that stuff when he didn’t even know Dragonrend. And even then, Bend Will only effects lesser dragons and beings and not more powerful ones like Alduin, Paarthurnax, or Miraak himself in the first place, which explains how Bend Will couldn’t work on the Hunter who was leagues more powerful than Dovahkiin or Miraak.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Thus, Dovahkiin’s AP is Continent Level, while his speed was at Massively Hypersonic, all of which leagues below the Monster Hunter’s stats.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Even with Dovahkiin’s stealth and thievery techniques, Monster Hunter is a master of tracking his prey, using Paintballs, Paint S, Paint Coating, Insect Glaives, and Scoutflies to track his enemy, even using Psychoserums to render invisibility null and void. Especially seeing as the Hunter has fought foes like the Chameleos before, who can turn so perfectly invisible it’s nigh impossible to track.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: And while Dovahkiin’s Clairvoyance spell, Aura Whisper Dragonshout, and Detect Life spell can challenge Hunter’s own stealth and Ghillie Mantle, the Hunter isn’t as reliant on stealth as Dovahkiin. In fact, even if the Dovahkiin got close enough to steal a weapon or two or even use the Disarm Dragonshout, the Hunter has 13 weapons to choose from total. It won’t be a big deal if he loses even 5 of them, he’s adaptable.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: The Hunter is highly resilient to all elements as well, being able to tank glacier attacks, literal magma, pressurized water cannons, and natural lightning, so most of the Destruction Tree Dovahkiin has on tap would do next to nothing. Dovahkiin is resilient to the elements as well, but not nearly to the degree the Hunter is. The Hunter’s weapons mostly consist of the Dragon Element and, while this is up for debate, with the Dovahkiin having draconic heritage, they would likely be more effective on him.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipherEven the amount of poison each packs and can take packed into them is a notable detail. Dovahkiin usually carries enough poison to kill the average Joe, and can withstand poisons potent enough to kill the average Joe. The Hunter on the other hand packs enough drugs and toxins in his weapons to effect creatures 10 to 100x his own size, and can walk off poisons meant to kill herbivores 10 to 50x his size! Literally healthier than any horse that ever lived!
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: The only concern the Hunter may have is the Dragonbane katana, especially seeing as the Hunter is wearing a deceased dragon as his armor. Nonetheless, Dovahkiin’s AP yield is still not enough to really leave a dent. Another potential worry was Mehrune’s Razor, which has a 2% chance to insta-kill, but the numbers on that are too low to be considered a viable win strategy, especially with the Hunter’s superior speed.
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Even if Dovahkiin had the edge in AP and Durability (not including speed scaling seeing as Alduin isn’t capable of time travel unless between Kalpas which is conditional regardless), the Hunter still speedblitzes, since Mach 285.7, Dovahkiin’s highest recorded in-combat speed, is ridiculously less than the Hunter’s 45c from Shah Dalamadur combat.
Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: I think that the Dovahkiin would never half the win in this battle!
Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: The winner is, The Monster Hunter.

Victor - MH by CyrillCipher

2 thoughts on “The Final Quest – The Monster Hunter vs. The Dovahkiin

  1. Holy shit, that was a really close fight! You made both warriors shine and gave them plenty of epic moments in this battle! Some of my favorite parts was when you included the Dovakiin shouting his magic spells like “FUS RHO DAH!!!” and such.

    I was surprised that the Monster Hunter won (but pleasantly so, since I was rooting for him mostly). Overall, fantastic work like before, and I can’t wait to read your next battle!


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