Attack of the Clones – Boba Fett vs. Vile | Prelude

Boba Fett vs. Vile - Thumbnail

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: The practice of character development is a tenuous one. From their goals, to their personalities, to their designs.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Sometimes though, developers are a little lacking in that design department. Whether it’s out of a call back, accidental homage, or outright theft of copyrighted materials, nobody knows what the hell happened with these two.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: They’re powerful in their own right, but utilize their incredibly powerful weaponry and oddly similar armor to really shine in their respective evil empires.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: But boy did someone sue someone when they looked at these shady two side by side!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Boba Fett, the deadly bounty hunter and perfect clone of Jango Fett.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Vile, the Maverick Hunter turned Maverick and sworn enemy of X.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: I’m Lash Fittania and she’s Dylania Sandiss, and we’ll evaluate their physique, techniques, and duplicated designs to see who stands tall and who shall fall.


Boba by CyrillCipher


Lash Fittania smol: A long time ago, in a galaxy far away…


Lash Fittania smol: Boba Fett, before becoming an infamous and feared bounty hunter, was simply the clone child of Jango Fett, who was formerly the infamous and feared bounty hunter.

Jango fett by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
Jango participated or outright took on plenty of shady jobs, from assassinations to assisting Sith Lords, but one of his most prominent jobs involved agreeing to become the genetic template for a potential clone army. Master Sifo-Dyas secretly commissioned he Kaminoans for this clone army in order to combat the Sith, and Jango was found to be the perfect figure to copy. However, on Jango’s end, he demanded only one thing in return for his likeness to be used:, An unmodified clone of himself.

Lash Fittania smol: The child would have no bodily modifications and would be given free thought and initiative.

Dylania Sandiss smol: But what would a full grown man possibly want with a child to raise? A legacy, of course.

Lash Fittania smol: Unbeknownst to the Kaminoans, Jango was a skilled and deadly bounty hunter, and he wanted a successor to keep the family business going. Thus, he trained the kid to be a hardened killer for cash.

Dylania Sandiss smol: But tragedy struck, as the allies Jango surrounded himself with later would prove to be the catalyst to his defeat. On Geonosis, he acted as bodyguard to Count Dooku, one of the Sith Lords and wielders of the Dark Side. “Tired of laying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain…”

Lash Fittania smol: Dark Side of the FORCE, not “Dark Side of the Moon”.

Dylania Sandiss smol: I know, I know.

Lash Fittania smol: While under the Sith’s employ and spectator to a full-out Jedi battlefield, Jango came face to face with Mace Windu.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Who promptly sliced his head clean off, right in front of Jango’s son. Poor little guy was left caressing his dead dad’s head and I don’t care that Jango’s a bad guy, that shit was sad as hell…

Daddy Died by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
Enraged at the Jedi Master’s ruthlessness, Jango Fett’s son, Boba Fett, joined up with a bounty hunter gang after the events on Geonosis and planned a way to take revenge on Windu.

Dylania Sandiss smol: After trial and error in engaging with the Jedi, Boba eventually earned himself a name as one of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy, one who would be employed by future, powerful parties like the Hutts and the Galactic Empire.

Boba Fett – As you wish.


  • Full Name: Boba Fett
  • Age: 35 (Canon), 76 (Legends)
  • Height: 6’0″
  • Weight: 172.4 lbs
  • Occupation: Bounty Hunter
  • Affiliations: Galactic Empire, Mandalorian Protectors, Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
  • First Appearance: The Star Wars Holiday Special (No, Seriously, Look it Up) (1978)

Dylania Sandiss smol:
 Okay, hold the fucking phone. What was that about his first appearance?

Lash Fittania smol: Yeah, surprised me too, but his first appearance was a part of the animated segment in The Star Wars Holiday Special. It came out in 1978, while The Empire Strikes Back came out in 1980. In fact, he was first shown off in one of George Lucas’ hometown parades, but the Special is his first appearance in the canon.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Uuuuunnnnnghghhghghhggg….??!?!??

Lash Fittania smol: Go ahead and talk about his weapons and bleach that memory.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Right, right… *Ahem* He has a swell inventory of– I just can’t do it man, I can’t. I’m not strong enough. That cursed info sapped the energy from my very soul.

Lash Fittania smol: I’ll get us started then. He comes to the fight decked out in Mandalorian Armor, the same armor his father wore in fact. Being made from Mandalorian Iron, it sacrifices speed for durability, showing its defensive capabilities by even resisting contact with lightsabers.

Armor by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
And that’s a rod of concentrated plasma, which is capable of reaching temperatures of at least 1800°C! That’s way hotter than open lava!

Lash Fittania smol: Glad to have you back. It also comes with a micro energy field that disperses impacts and is resistant to fire, poison, acid, and cold.

Fireproof by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
 Good to be back after that mini, mental crisis. The helmet is also fashioned with a penetrating radar, 360-degree vision, an infrared scanner, and can track up to thirty targets at a time!

Lash Fittania smol: His wrist gauntlets also carry a variety of toys, such as his right one housing a flamethrower, wrist laser that’s comparable to a Blaster Rifle in power, and a fibrecord whip he can use for grappling or wrapping foes.

Flamethrower by CyrillCipher
Fibrecord Whip by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
 His left houses computer-tracking concussive rockets and potent stun rockets, containing a nerve agent that renders the target unconscious in seconds.

Missiles by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 But lest we forget, his primary firearms are his preferred way of providing pain. He carries an EE-3 Carbine Rifle, a compact and powerful rifle that fires pulsed-energy projectiles, or PEPs, and is even equipped with a scope for greater accuracy.

Dylania Sandiss smol: He also carries a Sacros K-11 Blaster Pistol as a sidearm and can whip out a Concussion Grenade Launcher for extra firepower. This guy carries so much destructive equipment on him that even his jetpack has an anti-tank missile mounted on top. The pack itself can fly for a minute max, can reach speeds of 145 km/h, and has its own magnetic grappling hook in case he wants to hitch a ride while out of juice.

Lash Fittania smol: But the prized item in his library of weapons would be his Lightsaber. Lifted off a Jedi he hunted, it features, as previously said, a magnetically-contained plasma blade. But its uses aren’t limited just to slashing, as it can also reflect lasers and other foreign plasma bodies, like enemy lightsabers.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Not to mention his skill with the saber rivals that of Darth Vader himself, who is the same Anakin Skywalker who was debatably more proficient in swordplay than his own master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. To put that in perspective, Jedi Masters have dedicated combat styles with Lightsabers, and Boba Fett is just so naturally proficient with a Lightsaber that he can keep up with centuries of mastery over the weapon.

Lash Fittania smol: As for transportation, he flies the Slave I.

Slave 1 by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
 A ship outfitted with more deadly weapons than I have fingers. it has twin rotating blaster cannons, twin concussive missile tubes, an ion cannon that shorts out electrical equipment… A tractor beam… *Pant* *Pant*…

Lash Fittania smol: Jeez, breathe! You can’t just say that kind of list without breathing!

Dylania Sandiss smol: *Phew* A homing beacon launcher, and nine seismic charges that can level asteroids after detonating.

Seismic Charge by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 Safe to say that this is one ship you don’t want to go against.


  • Mandalorian Armor
    • Made from Mandalorian Iron
    • Heavy, Sacrificing Mobility for Defense
    • Resistant to Fire, Plasma, Cold, Poison, and Acid
    • Micro Energy Field that Disperses Impacts
    • Helmet Features Various Gadgets
      • Penetrating Radar
      • Infrared Scanner
      • 360-Degree Vision
      • Able to Track 30 Targets at a Time
  • Wrist Gauntlets
    • Czerka ZX Miniature Flame Projector
      • Creates a Cone of Fire 5 Meters Long
      • 1 Meter Diameter
      • 3 Minutes of Operation
    • Dur-24 Wrist Laser
      • 50 Meter Range
      • Comparable to a Blaster Rifle in Power
    • Fibrecord Whip
      • 20 Meter-Long Rope
      • Usually Used to Immobilize the Target
    • Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM9 Mini Concussion Rockets
      • Computerized Target Tracking
    • Type 12-B Stun Rockets
      • Contains FGA-583 Nerve Agent, Inducing Unconsciousness in Seconds
      • Manual Aiming Required
  • EE-3 Carbine Rifle
    • Powerful, Compact Blaster Rifle
    • Fires in Spurts
    • Outfitted with Sniper Scope
  • Sacros K-11 Blaster Pistol
    • Short Range Sidearm
  • Concussion Grenade Launcher
  • Mitrinomon Z-6 Jetpack
    • Hands-Free Use
    • 1 Minute of Flight
    • Max Speed of 145 km/h
    • Magnetic Grappling Hook
    • Anti-Vehicle Homing Rocket Mounted on Top
  • Lightsaber
    • Formal Weapon of a Jedi Knight
    • Stolen from a Jedi he Killed
    • Green, Which is Fitting
    • Magnetically-Contained Rod of Plasma
    • Reflects Lasers and Foreign Bodies of Plasma
  • Slave I
    • Modified Prototype Transport and Patrol Starship
    • Atmospheric Speed of 1050 km/h
    • GN-40 Twin Rotating Blaster Cannons
    • HM-8 Concussive Missile Tube Launchers
      • Fires Homing Rockets
    • C/In Ion Cannon
      • Fires Ionized Plasma that Shorts out Electronics
    • AA/SL Proton Torpedo Launchers
      • Non-Homing Explosive Ordnance
    • F1 Tractor Beam Projector
      • Projects a Pushing/Pulling Gravitational Field
    • Homing Beacon Launcher
    • 9 Seismic Charges
      • Capable of Releasing Vibrations that Shatter Asteroids

Lash Fittania smol: While the gadgets are the bread and butter of this bounty hunter, if the fight comes to fisticuffs he’s more than prepared.

Dylania Sandiss smol: He can crush rocks in his bare hands, is on par with Darth Vader in strength, and was able to tear out a Balyeg’s tooth when he was a child!

Rock Crush by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
According to the Mohs Hardness Scale, teeth with an average rating of about 4.5 are just as hard as steel. As a child, he was able to break a chunk of what’s practically steel the size of his own body.

Balyeg Tooth by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
 Which is nuts! I mean, I have trouble bending wire coat hangers. I couldn’t imagine doing something like that to the most feared monster in the galaxy!

Lash Fittania smol: Speaking of which, you haven’t been messing with my hangers again, have you?

Dylania Sandiss smol: Hey, give me a break! I just wanted them for s’more roasting!

Lash Fittania smol: Yes, but you doused them in gasoline and melted the mallow AND the metal hanger!

Dylania Sandiss smol: Gasoline burns quickly! I thought I’d get my s’moresies faster!

Lash Fittania smol: Ugh… Anyway, Boba is a fast and accurate shot too. Thanks in part to his training from Jango Fett, he has a great quick-draw and his actual agility is pretty amazing, even while encumbered by his armor.

Quick Draw Foe's Weapon by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
He moved fast enough to be perceived as a blur, snatched a trained gun out of the hands of Connor Freeman, who is a skilled marksman himself, casually reacts to and avoids a variety of blaster fire, he took out a group of the Resistance with incredible speed and grace, and avoided an onslaught of Blaster Cannons in the skies of Kamino. For reference, Leia’s Cruiser from the beginning of A New Hope fired back at the Star Destroyer chasing them, firing each PEP at about 180,700 m/s, or Mach 527!

Avoiding Blaster Cannons by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 And he’s pretty durable too. He’s taken explosions to the face, took on blaster fire and lightsaber swipes with little worry, and survived the intense elements, as well as his jetpack malfunctioning and thrusting him straight into the side of Jabba’s cruiser. I mean, a 145 km/h crash doesn’t sound comfortable…

Dylania Sandiss smol: And then there’s all those times he’s fallen into the Sarlaac Pit.

Lash Fittania smol: How many times was it again?

Dylania Sandiss smol: Oh, a measly four times. He should be married to the thing by now, honestly.


  • Strength
    • Comparable to Jango Fett and Darth Vader
    • Tore out a Balyeg Tooth when he was Just a Child
      • Said Tooth Would have Been as Strong as Steel, and it was Fractured, Meaning Boba Basically Broke the Tooth off Himself
      • Also Did so Within 30 Seconds, Leaving Little Room for Other Possibilities
    • Can Crush Rocks in his Hands
    • Jango Kicked Down a Durasteel Door, and Boba Trained Directly Under him and is his Perfect Genetic Clone
    • Matched Darth Vader in a Lightsaber Duel
  • Speed
    • Surprisingly Fast for the Weight of the Mandalorian Armor
    • Snatched a Gun Trained on him out of his Attacker’s Hands
    • Appeared as a Blue Blur to Connor Freeman, a Skilled Marksman
    • Casually Reacts to and Avoids Blaster-Fire, Most Prominently Blaster Cannons from Resistance Ships
      • Each Shot is Approx. Mach 527
    • Was Able to Quick-Draw Shoot Darth Vader in the Face
      • Something Han Solo Couldn’t Do and Han is Known for his Quick-Draw
  • Durability
    • Withstands All Manners of Harm, Mostly Due to his Armor
    • Barely Phased by Blaster-Fire, the Elements, and Plasma
    • Falls from Great Heights and Keeps Getting Up
    • Tanked Explosions to the Face with Little Time Spent Unconscious
    • Survived Crashing into Jabba’s Cruiser Head First
    • Often Gets Buried in Rubble, Gets out of it
    • Fell into the Sarlaac Pit a Total of 4 Times
      • The Wounds he Endures from the Sarlaac Pit Would have Killed Any Other Creature
      • Last Time Took him out for Good


  • Expert Marksman
  • Mastery Over Every Weapon in the Galaxy
    • Except the Lightsaber
  • Skilled in Hand-to-Hand
  • Skilled Tracker
  • Great On-the-Fly Strategist
  • Can Move Silently

Lash Fittania smol: And while he is easily one of the most badass, deadliest bounty hunters, let alone major characters, in the series–

Dylania Sandiss smol: Even though in the Disney-stated canon he went out like a punk loser.

Lash Fittania smol: –He has faults all his own. Well, namely one at least, being that he underestimates his foes far too often.

Dylania Sandiss smol: I mean, sure he has the tenacity to take on massive challenges, but stealing a tooth from the Balyeg may have been one of his most strengthening and detrimental exercises.

Lash Fittania smol: He doesn’t fear anything, and so tends to underestimate the utility and skill of his opponents. That fight with Darth Vader we keep mentioning? Vader was practically toying with him. After all, he could’ve easily crushed Boba in his own armor, or drop a Star Destroyer on him. Sure Boba kept up in swordplay, but if Vader had used the Dark Side of the Force to kill Boba, he wouldn’t have been able to do anything.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Not to mention that in the canon he underestimated Luke Skywalker, to the point that his entire, movie-wide buildup was actually pathetic, going down with nary a shot being fired from or at him!

Lash Fittania smol: But, a majority of his weapons have major faults as well, such as his anti-vehicle missile having poor tracking against smaller targets, or that if his jetpack is damaged, it can take him on a joyride without consent.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Plus, his Lightsaber doesn’t really work underwater. Turn it on down below and it gets fried.

Lash Fittania smol: But that pales in comparison to the fact that while the Slave I is a powerful and domineering vessel, Dash Rengar in the Legends canon was able to shoot it down with nothing but a multi-faceted Blaster Pistol. The tin can isn’t the most durable ship in the galaxy. Even if it carries powerful weapons on-board, there’s no force-field or anything protecting the ship.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Man, I miss when Shadows of the empire

Lash Fittania smol: I do too, Dylania… I do too…

Dylania Sandiss smol: But even that pales in comparison to his infatuation with the frickin’ Sarlaac Pit! I’m pretty sure we mentioned this already, but he fell in four, FOUR, FOUR times.

Into the Pit by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol: Yeah, that honestly sucks.


  • Tends to Underestimate his Quarry
  • Few Personality/Technical Weaknesses, but Equipment Shortcomings are More Evident and Exploitable
  • Jetpack Rocket Has Difficulty Tracking Smaller Targets
  • If Jetpack is Damaged, can Result in Flight Malfunction that Puts Boba Fett at Risk
  • Lightsaber Short Circuits in Water
  • Slave I has Great Firepower, but Limited Staying Power
    • Was Shot Down by Standard Blaster Equipment Twice Over (Granted One Time Didn’t Follow Canon or Legends)
  • That Mahfuggin Sarlaac Pit
  • The Canon Universe Treating him Like Shit (Honestly, Boba Fett Movie Anyone?)

Dylania Sandiss smol: Alas, his weaknesses may hinder his success, but he has done incredible deeds even with those shortcomings.

Lash Fittania smol: He has tracked the Millennium Falcon without assistance and through the depths of space, received incredible recommendations from the second in command of the Empire, Darth Vader, survived events and monsters no creature should be able to live through, and took up his father’s mantle as the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Let’s see how Vile stacks up to this camo-clad killer…

Boba Fett – “You’re not the only one who’s killed Jedi.


Vile by CyrillCipher


Lash Fittania smol: In the far future of the year 21XX, engineering and biological technologies advanced to a point never before precedented thanks to the discovery of a peculiar blue android by the name of X.

MM X Titanium-X by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
Thanks to his extremely advanced makeup, the blueprint of this android was reproduced and used as a base for an entire race of replicate androids, more commonly known as Reploids. They were used for basically everything, from crossing guards, to police enforcement, to construction workers and so on.

Lash Fittania smol: With their mass-production came a few flaws in programming, however. Especially since Reploids, having complete free will and mental capabilities identical to humans did not have any restrictions on what they could do with that free will.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Suffice to say, the programming errors resulted in these Reploids turning Maverick, a label for any Reploids that became a danger to society.

Lash Fittania smol: While a virus created by the late Dr. Wily and carried by Sigma, a powerful Reploid law enforcer who was exposed to the virus while facing Zero fresh out of the latter’s stasis pod, assisted in turning a large number of Reploids Maverick. As a result, few have been able to turn Maverick through choice alone, having become rarer due to the virus. One such example of a self-made Maverick, is Vile.

Vile by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol: Or, as he’s called in Japan, Vava. He originally would’ve kept the name, but, much like his design, he would’ve contracted some legal shenanigans for sounding too much like Boba, so his name out here in the west became Vile.

Lash Fittania smol: Initially, he was a powerful Maverick Hunter and was extremely combat-centric. However, he was far more reckless and aggressive, leading to his incarceration for causing too much collateral damage on his missions.

Dylania Sandiss smol: But, with Sigma receiving that Maverick virus and collecting Maverick Hunters, he freed Vile and gave him a chance to join him. While Vile didn’t care about Sigma’s rebellion, he was interested in taking out his most hated enemy, the goody two-shoes X.

Freedom by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol: Vile always hated X, as, while X constantly worried and hesitated, he managed to garner the attention of everyone around him despite his lower rank.

Dylania Sandiss smol: And when Sigma mentioned that X was a key part of his plan, Vile… Kind of lost it. He decided he would prove himself to be greater than X in every way, by crushing him into the ground.

Lash Fittania smol: While Vile did win their initial confrontation, that was only because X was still wet behind the ears. But upon fighting him a second time, Vile was taken down, and X proved his strength.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Even though X saved the day, he couldn’t have realized that he turned Vile’s hatred into something worse.

Lash Fittania smol: Vile became thoroughly obsessed with X, seeking to prove to him that he’s the stronger of the both of them, a drive that even drove him back to life on numerous occasions.

Vile – What a worthless gesture! I can’t be defeated so easily!


  • Full Name: Vile/Vava
  • Occupation: Maverick (Under Sigma)
  • Affiliation: Sigma
  • First Appearance: Mega Man X (1993)

Lash Fittania smol: Vile, much like his name, has an arsenal all the same.

Dylania Sandiss smol: His body itself is something to mention too. He functions off of solar energy and his weapons are fueled by the same power, weaponizing it into energy blasts from his vulcans or shoulder cannon. Heck, his body’s even resistant to high temperatures, allowing him to literally bathe himself in flames and tackle his foes.

Vulcan And Cannon by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 Also, being made of a similar alloy as X’s Titanium-X, he is able to withstand some serious damage, such as charged blasts that can plow through other mechanical foes with ease, as well as blades of plasma like Zero’s Z-Saber. If we’re basing things off of the OG Mega Man, then this armor is composed of a material that is about several times better than Mega Man’s normal Ceratanium. Not to mention that, with some upgrades from Doppler, he is even able to teleport.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Aside from that, he’s got weapons up the wazoo! His arms double as rapid-fire vulcan cannons called Cherry Blast, with an effective range of twenty-five feet!

Lash Fittania smol: His shoulder-cannon, the Front Runner, can fire a variety of shots, from concentrated energy blasts, to EMP-bolts, to rapid-fire bullets, to even tracking  freezing shots. He also houses grenades, or his Bumpity Booms inside his knees that explode either with a wide-reaching shockwave or with a spinning typhoon of napalm.

Fire Bomb by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
 Bumpity Boom? Really?

Lash Fittania smol: Yeah, why–

Dylania Sandiss smol: He comes with a built in jetpack, as well as a number of holsters for his various weapons, like the surprise knee sockets that double as grenade holders. He can also project shields of energy and discharge a large amount of electricity from himself in extensive arcs.

Jetpack by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 But one of his best pieces of equipment is his Ride Armor. As it is the strongest one, we will be taking the Devil Bear Ride Armor from the latest installment of Mega Man X.

Dylania Sandiss smol: It can rapid-fire punches, project an invincible shield over itself and its rider, and can be controlled remotely. Though it’s practically invincible, it can be deactivated for a short time if it takes too many hits or is struck with enough force. Incredible, yet unstable, defense.


  • Titanium-X Alloy Body
    • Fueled by Solar Power
    • Also Weaponizes Solar Power for Equipment
    • Extremely Durable and Resistant to Solar Energy Attacks and Plasma
    • Resistant to High Temperatures and Fire and can Cloak Himself in Flames
    • Built-in Jetpack
    • Able to Teleport
    • Can Channel and Disharge Large Quantities of Electricity
    • Can Form Energy Shields
  • Cherry Blast
    • Rapid-Fire Vulcan Cannons from Vile’s Arms
    • Effective Range of 25 Feet
  • Front Runner
    • Vile’s Shoulder-Mounted Cannon
    • Fires a Variety of Munition
    • Powerful Solar Energy Projectiles
    • EMP Projectiles
    • Rapid-Fire Bullets and Bullet Spreads
    • Homing and Spread Freezing Shots
  • Bumpity Boom
    • Grenade Launchers in Knees (With the Least Threatening Name)
    • Can Launch Explosive Grenades or Fire-Twister Bombs
  • Devil Bear Ride Armor
    • Indestructible Shield that Covers Both Armor and Rider
    • Rapid-Fire Punches via Hydraulic Arms
    • Can be Controlled Remotely
    • Enough Force can Render it Unstable and Deactivate it for a Short Time

Lash Fittania smol: Vile, as a Reploid, has physiological features far greater than that of a human. He has unlimited stamina and endurance, and due to his cybernetics, he has incredible strength, speed, and durability. However, any of these traits can be rendered weaker if he sustains too much damage.

Dylania Sandiss smol: That aside, he is one strong Maverick, capable of going head-to-head with X, Zero, and Axl, either solo or altogether at once! He has even shown to grab X and choke him out with a single hand as the Reploid attempts to break free with all his might. And, even though Maverick Hunter X’s Vile Campaign is an alternate storyline, it does represent his abilities fairly. He has shown to be able to crack and heavily damage Titanium-X himself.

Crack And Break by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 He’s fast enough to go against X and company, and with his jetpack he’s even faster. By scaling to X as well, he’s even faster than the original Mega Man, who was able to avoid Quick Man, who is faster than lightning. That’s around Mach 292 in case you were wondering.

Faster by CyrillCipher

Dylania Sandiss smol:
As for how much damage he can tank, he can withstand attacks from X and company, even with their specialty armors enhancing their abilities, he’s survived Zero exploding point-blank, which destroyed his far tougher Ride Armor in one hit, and even took on X and company a total of five times in one game before finally going down. His willpower is even strong enough that if he is destroyed, upon being rebuilt he’ll immediately try to thwart X again.

Kaboom by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 Anyway, this willpower of his is what turned him into what’s basically a robot zombie in Mega Man X3.

Dylania Sandiss smol: He got better though, donning some green armor in X8 and… Wait a sec… No, he’s just blatantly Boba Fett in that game!

Lash Fittania smol: To be honest, I never really noticed until you pointed it out.


  • Reploid Physiology
    • Tireless/Unlimited Endurance (So Long as He Maintains Minimal Damage)
    • Enhanced Strength, Speed, and Durability
  • Strength
    • Comparable to X, Zero, and Axl
    • Can Choke X, Leaving him to Struggle
    • Able to Crush and Crack Titanium-X
  • Speed
    • Comparable to X, Zero, and Axl
    • Enhanced Further with his Jetpack
    • Superior to Mega Man, who Should be Capable of Moving Mach 292
  • Durability
    • Comparable to X, Zero, and Axl
    • Withstood Attacks from X and Company, Even when They were in Enhancing Armors
    • Survived Zero Overcharging his Zero Buster and Destroying his Ride Armor Without a Scratch
    • Resilient Against Solar Energy and Plasma
    • Immune to Temperatures of at Least Approx. 1200°C

Dylania Sandiss smol: He may be a tough customer who doesn’t like being taken down, but Vile is easily one of the most flawed characters in the series.

Lash Fittania smol: Above all else, he is obsessed with X, seeking power enough to overcome the original Reploid. This has also turned his personality to one of extreme arrogance, thinking if his foes don’t have an “X” as their name, then they shouldn’t be worth much trouble.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Even then, he’s still super arrogant to X, kinda like how Vegeta is to Frieza in Dragonball Z. “Don’t look now X, but I have ascended past your puny capabilities, and with these upgrades, I shall crush you–” And then he loses. Except, multiply that by six, give or take seven emotional magnitudes.

Confound Them by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 He’s also susceptible to Ice-based weapons since they can freeze up his jetpack. Not to mention his own weapons need time to cool down and he can’t use them too much in one go.

Dylania Sandiss smol: Makes sense, except for the ice part. Doesn’t he have a weapon that fires extremely cold projectiles?

Lash Fittania smol: Well, yes. I guess with the affinity for fire his suit has, he is more susceptible to cold on the outside of his body? I don’t know, just put in a bunch of techno-jargon and we should be fine on that front.

Dylania Sandiss smol: In addition to all of his equipment’s shortcomings, there is also the fact that he himself is not the strategic type. Sure he can pull off a plan, like trapping Zero so he can blackmail X into surrendering, but his ego tends to get in the way of his plans more often than not.

Lash Fittania smol: He had everything under control, but he massively underestimated Zero’s determination and X’s improvement, leading to his downfall. You see, he’s just like Boba Fett.

Dylania Sandiss smol: You know what the funniest part about all this is? He’s not even based on Boba Fett. He’s actually based on Bubba Zanetti from the original Mad Max.

Bubba Zanetti by CyrillCipher

Lash Fittania smol:
 I guess that makes a bit more sense. Feels kinda weird we were comparing him to Boba now, even though his main target is the hero of the story, has a strangely close suit of armor, utilizes a variety of weapons very similar to the bounty hunter in this prelude, he also–

Dylania Sandiss smol: We get it!


  • Obsessed with Surpassing X
  • Arrogant to a Fault
    • Frequently Overestimates his Own Abilities
    • Sees Others as Trash/Fodder, Even his Employer Sigma
  • Not Much of a Strategist Outside of the Occasional Trap
    • Often Succeeds in the First Half of his Plans, Often Fails the Second Half due to his Arrogance
  • Only Remains Tireless as Long as he Maintains Minimal Damage
  • His Equipment is Strong, But Requires Periods for Cooldown
  • Devil Bear Ride Armor can be Deactivated for a Short Time with Enough Force
  • Ice Tends to Freeze his Jetpack

Dylania Sandiss smol: He’s a lean, mean, gunning machine, hellbent on destroying X and going to incredible lengths to do so. He’s disobeyed Sigma and still remained one of his highest-ranked soldiers, has come back from the apparent dead several times, and has had X on death’s door on multiple occasions.

Lash Fittania smol: But how does our resident Reploid-slayer stack up to his potential counterpart, Boba Fett?

Vile – It doesn’t matter how much energy you absorb X, you are still far too weak! Prepare to be terminated!

2 thoughts on “Attack of the Clones – Boba Fett vs. Vile | Prelude

  1. Very cool and promising matchup here! I’m personally rooting for mah boi Boba, but I wouldn’t mind if Vile won, either.

    As for I think would win, that’s harder to decide. Boba has arguably more experience (in both canons) and is cunning and pragmatic, while Vile seems much more reckless and hotheaded. Both are a close match in terms of how many weapons they wield and how much damage they’re able to deal. But since Vile has lost many more times in his series (being a villain and all), I’m gonna give my initial edge to Boba.

    BTW, how much do you think Boba’s odd’s change, with all his feats from “The Book of Boba Fett”?


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