Attack of the Clones – Boba Fett vs. Vile

Before Fight - BF vs Vile

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipherAlright, our fighters are ready.

Catch the Prelude Here: Attack of the Clones – PRELUDE

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Which of these copycat, walking weapons depots will reign?

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Let’s find out, in the Clash!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: So, I’ll pick first this time.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Awww! But these are my favorite characters!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Fine, you pick first then.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: I wanna play… Boba Fett!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Fine, I’ll be Vile then, even if I think his moveset sucks.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Leave Vava alone! What’d he ever do to you?

BF Selected
Vile Selected


    Location: Central Highway, 9:30 pm

Scene 1 by CyrillCipher

“Hmph, so X is supposed to be there tonight?” A purple-clad Maverick asks to nobody, sitting on the edge of a skyscraper’s roof.

“Of course,” A taller, bulkier Maverick with a long, red cape confirms from behind him. “This information is my gift to one of my best subordinates.”

“Fine by me, gives me a chance to pulverize that bastard,” The other Maverick responds. “But don’t get all buddy-buddy with me Sigma. What’s the catch?”

“Catch?” Sigma says in a questioning tone. “I only want the best for my subjects, including you Vile. I think you would want to take out X, while you still can at least.”

“Excuse me?” Vile says, standing and giving Sigma his undivided attention.

“That’s right,” Sigma says, pacing. “I heard a rumor that a bounty has been put on X’s head. By who, I’m not sure, but I would hate for you to let this opportunity be squandered…”

“So that’s your angle…” Vile says. “Not a bad idea taking him out where we had our first showdown, if you can even call it that. I’m in, but your needs are second to mine, got it?”

Vile leaps from the building and rockets away with his jetpack. Sigma simply smiles from the building.

“Of course,” He says before teleporting away.


A blue android walks down the Central Highway. After hearing of a Maverick threat from an anonymous source that seems to check out, he inspects the highway personally. Little did he know, the crosshairs of the one who called in the threat center on his head.

Suddenly, a quake shakes the highway, causing X to take cover behind a nearby vehicle. The night sky is lit with a brilliant orange fireball further ahead, rising slowly into the air. When the road calms from the gyrations, X emerges and rushes to investigate the explosion.

The man in camouflage armor sits in a windowsill, lowering his gun as his quarry hurries away. The assassin stays tense, retreating from the window for a moment and takes cover.

I was the one who phoned in the threat, He thinks. Seems a third-party is interfering.

He peers out the window again, finding an un-piloted mech suit of some sort staring directly at him where X stood previously.

Hm? The assailant thinks. I must be compromis–

“How about you come out of hiding, coward!”

A purple gauntlet reaches in through the metallic wall and pulls the assassin through, throwing him at the abyssal streets below. The assassin’s jetpack ignites and saves him from turning into a stain on the pavement, flying up and onto the street. Illuminated by the streetlights, Boba Fett reveals himself, the most notorious and deadliest bounty hunter in the galaxy.

He looks up to find the purple gauntlet belonging to an android who flies over to his Ride Armor, kneeling atop the robot smugly.

“Listen here tin can,” The Maverick Vile states. “I’m not going to let some second rate green copycat take a prize that’s rightfully mine.”

Boba Fett aims his gun at Vile, much to the Maverick’s amusement.

“You’re going to take me down with THAT peashooter?” He mocks. “Yeah right. Let’s get this over with you eyesore.”

Boba flies up, only for Vile to outstretch his hand and flex his fingers, as if to say ‘bring it on’.

Scene 2 by CyrillCipher


Clash! by CyrillCipher


Boba shoots first, using his carbine rifle in the hopes of slicing through Vile’s head. Unfortunately for him, Vile stands perfectly still as the laser blasts bounce away from the Maverick. An energy field encircles him from all angles, zero openings.

The bounty hunter lands, pulling out his grenade launcher. He shoots several concussion grenades at the mech, watching it step back a bit from the ordinance. Fett makes a mental note that explosives will definitely prove useful against this machine.

“Alright, that was fun, but it’s time to die,” Vile says, his Ride Armor’s heel wheels revving and coasting along the pavement at breakneck speeds.

Boba flies up, avoiding every hydraulic punch the mech could throw and returning grenades in kind. The armor seems to short-circuit, toppling over inactive, as Fett lands by a car.

“Tch, hunk of junk,” Vile mutters, climbing off. “I miss the Goliath.”

Vile points his hand forward, the digits turning orange. Boba takes that as a sign to take cover, Vile chasing the flighty bounty hunter’s movements with rapid-fire vulcan shots. Fett ducks behind a nearby vehicle as Vile unloads into it.

Scene 3 by CyrillCipher

“You don’t have anywhere else to run coward!” Vile states.

Just then, Boba turns the corner and fires two shots directly into Vile’s shoulder.

“Rrgh!” Vile groans, moving the cannon on his shoulder lower taking aim at the car. “Take this!”

With that, he fires his cannon and blows the car to scrap and fire. The shockwave from the explosion dusts the street as the orange lights lit up the night once more.

“Ha ha haa!” Vile exclaims.

Suddenly, Boba Fett flies through the flames and tackles Vile, taking them both further down the street and higher into the air. Vile breaks out of Boba’s hold and activates his own jetpack, grabbing the bounty hunter by the head. Fett struggles, but it was no use.

“Let’s see how tough it is to crack this egg!” Vile states, applying more and more pressure to Fett’s head.

Scene 4 by CyrillCipher

Boba continues to struggle, trying to pry Vile’s fingers off. But, his efforts were fruitless. He couldn’t budge them. Instead, he changes plans and holds up his wrist, firing a laser directly into the Maverick’s face. He flinches, surprised enough to loosen his grip. Boba takes the opportunity to fly back and fire a salvo of wrist rockets at Vile.

“Huh?” Vile says, shaking his head of the shot.

All he could do was try to block the rockets as each one exploded against his Titanium-X body plates, knocking him back to the ground. He looks up, finding Boba aiming his rifle squarely at the purple menace, raining blaster-fire. Vile side-steps the red downpour and weaves through the repeater fire. The ex-Maverick Hunter aims his cannon up and lets loose a projectile volley of his own, firing homing, freezing shots at his airborne opponent.

“Don’t talk much do you?” Vile says, watching Fett dodge and fly around the projectiles.

“Don’t need to,” Boba finally replies, sending out a jet of flames from his gauntlet to counter the cold energies.

Vile flies up to meet Boba with a kick, but the bounty hunter avoids the sweeping leg and retaliates with a kick of his own, but to little effect. Vile flies up higher and fires his vulcans, making it rain energy bullets as if to spite Boba’s earlier tactic.

“Take that you whelp!” Vile shouts.

Boba flies down and takes aim. The vulcan fire pelts off his armor, barely phasing the cold-blooded Mandalorian. With Vile’s face in the crosshairs, Fett fires, sniping the Reploid out of the air. Vile lands hard on the pavement, but gets up shortly after, shaking his head. Fett stands in front of the Maverick, aiming his rifle at his torso. Vile put his hands up, but shortly after starts chuckling. Boba cocks his head.

“Heh, forgetting something?” Vile asks as his open palms turn to pointing fingers.

A shadow looms over Fett. When the deadliest assassin turns around, gun aloft, he is met with a robotic fist to his chest that launches him off the suspended highway. Boba was able to hang onto the ledge, climbing up quickly. As he reaches the top, he comes face to face with Vile atop the Ride Armor once more, still laughing.

“Enough of this,” Fett muttered as he kneeled.

“Feh, already done?” Vile asked.

Scene 5 by CyrillCipher

Sparks fly as the tip of Boba’s jetpack flies out and rockets to Vile’s Ride Armor. It detonates on contact, exploding with enough force to send Boba reeling backward and Vile off the Ride Armor.

“Son of a bitch…” Vile exclaims, getting up. “As much as I don’t like this guy, I should find me one of those rockets.”

He inspects his Ride Armor, finding it deactivated again, its shield generator having been broken.

“This thing is worthless…” Vile says, turning to Boba Fett.

Without another word, Boba shoots out a fibrecord whip, which wraps around his foe. Vile seems disappointed, flexing only slightly and tearing the cord apart with ease.

“These bottom of the barrel tactics don’t work on me,” Vile says, intimidatingly walking toward Boba.

Boba tries firing his rifle at Vile, but the Maverick evades every shot with a series of ducks and lunges. Finally, Boba fires a stun rocket, one that hits Vile straight in the head. The nerve agent coats the side of Vile’s helmet, dripping inside through the visor, but has no effect on the Reploid.

He’s not human? Boba thinks.

“Well, it was fun,” Vile says, strolling up to Boba non-chalantly. “But I’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

Vile kicks Boba off the highway. Fett quickly activates his jetpack and flies once more, earning Vile’s ire.

I have four seconds of flight left, He thinks. That should be enough to–

“How could I be so forgetful, here. A little gift from me,” Vile says, firing an electrical blast at Boba’s jetpack.

On contact, the jetpack short-circuits, thrusting Boba into the abyss below rather than upward to safety.

“Later,” Vile says, taking his leave. “Now that he’s out of the way, I should take out X while I have the chance.”

Vile’s jetpack booms to life and with a leap he is skyward bound. As he flies, he feels something is off, like he hadn’t ended things with the bounty hunter. But, before he could let the feeling linger, he sees a speck in the distance, the blue android.

“Found ya…” Vile mutters with a chuckle, accelerating in anticipation.

Before he could get closer, a laser shoots from behind him, much larger than the previous shots Fett fired.

“What the–?” He manages turning around.

He;s cut off by a gut-full of laser, of greater magnitude than before, causing him to lose control in the air for a moment. Tailing him was a strangely-shaped ship, one with a large base and a strange handle-shaped front. From its tip, twin laser cannons fire a salvo of blasts at Vile.

Scene 6 by CyrillCipher

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Vile shouts, rushing back to finish the job. “He’s literally piloting a giant bathtub handle!”

Before he reaches the Slave I, a blue projectile flies out, aimed squarely at Vile.

“Hey, your junk doesn’t phase me, are you stupid–”

The seismic charge detonates, releasing a ringing explosion that tears the nearby buildings asunder, crumbles and fractures the highway, and eclipses the streetlights with a deep blue glow.  Vile, at the shockwave’s center, takes it the hardest, being launched across the city and through several buildings. He finds himself in the rubble of one apartment building, crawling out of the debris.

X turns in surprise at the destruction, but due to the mass damage, he teleports away, planning to get reinforcements to handle the situation.

“Okay, I’ve had enough of this bastard,” Vile says, his armor slightly chipped and one of his fingers bent backward.

He jets out of the building at top speed, flying straight to the Slave I. Several more seismic charges fly out to greet him with explosions that rock the city, but he was able to out-maneuver most of them and their shockwaves. He takes minimal damage before he makes it back to the dreadnought, firing cannon shot after cannon shot at the chassis, but the shots either glanced off or barely affected it.

“Then take this!” Vile exclaims, firing electrical blasts at the ship, but to a similar lack of effect. “What the hell is this thing made of?”

The ion cannon trains on Vile and fires, shocking him to his core.

“Rrrrrrgh!” Vile grunts, arcs of electricity leaping across his body.

Scene 7 by CyrillCipher

Meanwhile, the Devil Bear Ride Armor gets back up and sits, awaiting its next set of orders. Vile notices this in the corner of his eye and activates his remote control of it, causing it to stand and drive across the destroyed highway. It drives around obstacles, falls off edges to get to sections of highway that continue its path, until it finally comes upon the last stretch of highway.

“Heh, get a load of that!” Vile exclaims, hardly able to contain himself.

But Boba already knew. With his targeting systems, he made it a priority to know where the armor is 24/7, especially after its earlier sucker punch. The Slave I starts to fly upward to render the Ride Armor useless while still training its cannon on Vile.

“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Vile says, flying out of the way of the cannon, never having been effected by it in the first place. “You thought a shock would stop me? I’ve been shooting electricity this whole time!”

Vile gathers the arcs across his body and fires a ray of electricity down on Boba’s ship from above. The steering mechanisms stop working, the thrusters sputter with the fluctuating power… Boba was losing altitude.

The Ride Armor continues down its path, aiming for the ramp at the end of the highway section it was on.

He wants it to ram me! Boba thinks.

In a final effort, Boba fires his last charge out at the Ride Armor, hoping that would stop it permanently. The charge sails through the air, but it misses the Ride Armor, flying over it. The charge detonates further down the road, the highway turning to particles beneath the Ride Armor’s feet. The armor avoids large rubble and disappearing road, accelerating bit-by-bit to keep up with the remaining highway, and finally, the highway comes to an end, debris forming a crude ramp. The armor sails through the air with zero grace…

Scene 8 by CyrillCipher

With a punch, the Ride Armor lodges itself in the Slave I, causing a massive weight imbalance and forcing the ship to sink down faster, fires and electricity escaping the perforation.

“Don’t steal all the fun!” Vile exclaims, stopping his discharge and crashing through the cockpit’s window.

Boba shields himself from the glass breaking and turns to find Vile’s leg sweeping into his face. Boba flies out of his seat and further back into the cockpit. When Boba turns to see the Reploid again, all he can find are approximately sixteen spherical bombs rolling around his descending ship’s floor. He looks to the windshield and finds Vile saluting him.

“Try to enjoy being a fireworks display!” Vile exclaims as he jets away.

The Slave I erupts in flames and its thrusters fail, falling to the dark ground below. Vile hovers above and, if he could smile, he would. The ship explodes as it hits the ground, a spectacular fireball rising into the air as a statement to his foe. The Maverick descends down to inspect the wreckage, to be sure that the survivor Boba Fett didn’t survive again.

“Seems like there’s no sign of life down here,” Vile mutters. “Good, that bastard was starting to get on my nerves.”

Suddenly, Boba rises from the rubble and fires a concussion grenade, exploding on contact with Vile.

“I swear, if you live one more time…” Vile says, firing a blast from his shoulder at Boba.

But with a flash of green, the projectile returned to Vile and detonated in his chest. The shot left soot across his pecs.

“What the hell?” Vile exclaims as he comes to find Boba carrying a Lightsaber.

Scene 9 by CyrillCipher

With a swift dash, Boba slices Vile’s shoulder cannon off cleanly. Vile turns, Boba Fett closing in with the beam sword pointed at the Maverick.

“Heh, nice try, but I got a pissant swordsman already!” Vile says.

His knee pops open and ejects a small orb that erupts into a flaming tornado that engulfs Vile. The typhoon proceeds toward Boba, but he sped through it, unfazed.

“Neat trick,” Boba says. “Fire doesn’t hurt me.”

Vile rushes Boba, coated in flames himself. He tackles the bounty hunter to the ground, but Boba manages to kick Vile off of him. Vile crashes and rolls, running at Boba again.

“Well, let’s see if you’re saber-proof then!” Vile says, holding aloft Fett’s lightsaber, a beam of green extending as the flames on his body sputter out.

“When–” Boba Fett says.

Scene 10 by CyrillCipher

In a purple and green flash, Boba’s head toppled to the ground and the bounty hunter’s body crumpled to the floor like a sack of potatoes. After he watches the lifeless husk of Fett fall, Vile studies the lightsaber in his hands. He deactivates it and holsters it on his hip.

“Would you look at that, a Z-Saber of my own…”


Ko! by CyrillCipher


Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Yep, I think everyone saw this outcome.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: While Boba Fett has a slew of gadgets, weapons, and even the Slave I to help him fight Vile, it’s unfortunate to say, but Vile is simply superior in every conceivable way.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: By scaling to folks like Mega Man X, Zero, and Axl, especially all at once, he hits way harder and tanks way more than Boba Fett ever could.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Zero flew a space shuttle into a space colony which was on a crash course with the Earth. The explosion of the shuttle destroyed the city and sent Zero back to the planet. To compare at the lowest low-ball possible for this feat, the “Fat Man” atomic bomb was able to wipe out an entire city with a yield of only 20 kilotons of TNT.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: And guess what? He survived the collision with nary a scratch. That isn’t even including the atmospheric re-entry and landing yield too.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Not to mention X and Zero are superior in every way to Mega Man, who was faster than Quick Man, who was also faster than lightning, making him Mach 292. This scaling also counts for their strength, as Mega Man held up Wily’s Fortress, a feat consisting of holding 60,000 Tons above his head!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: And even though Vile is a Reploid, which is technically a less successful duplicate of X’s blueprints, the less successful part was the emotional and moral programming, as it could not be replicated perfectly. The body, however, remains similar to the base of X though, further assisting in the scaling argument.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Wait a sec, born from a being originally wearing blue armor? Wait… No… No, it keeps happening! The connections between these two are eVeRyWhErE!!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Boba Fett, by comparison, does not have anything near the caliber of Vile’s shared feats. He can avoid blaster cannons that clock in at Mach 527, but he visibly is unable to keep up with them at the same speed, only react to and move out of their way. Not to mention his jetpack was in use at the time and it has a max speed of 145 km/h.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipherEven in terms of durability, while the Mandalorian Armor can be insanely durable, there’s a squishy little man inside it, one that’s way more susceptible to the whiplash caused by explosions than an entirely cybernetic being would be. While his armor can tank it with ease, Boba Fett himself can’t take much of a thrashing. Hell, he had a grenade detonate in his face and he was knocked out!

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: His strength isn’t much to compare either. Snapping off a steel tooth doesn’t compare to carrying a fortress above your head. And though we said there’s little room for anything else to have happened for him to break the tooth off, it is still possible that within thirty seconds, Boba could’ve tricked the Balyeg into breaking its tooth off for him to take. Them’s the breaks with feats that are only spoken and never shown.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: As for experience, versatility, arsenal, and so on, Vile simply had Boba beat. Vile has a varied arsenal as is, Boba Fett wouldn’t be able to take advantage of Vile’s weaknesses as easily as Vile could Boba’s, Vile has been a Maverick Hunter/Maverick for an indefinite period of time, thanks to his Reploid phsyiology not having him age, versus Boba’s life of 76 years, and only Vile’s equipment was potent enough to be threatening to the other party.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Even with the Slave I, Boba Fett had no real advantage over Vile, who could tank most of its equipment with ease. If anything, the Seismic Charges it held would be a potent enough weapon against Vile, but even then, he has already shown to withstand impacts of that caliber, let alone anything from a basic blaster rifle.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: He wasn’t kidding when he called the carbine a peashooter, was he?

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: Every possible advantage Boba could have is simply trumped by Vile’s superior arsenal, better stats, and more aggressive combat-style.

Dylania Sandiss smol by CyrillCipher: Man, this kind of overkill is just vile.

Lash Fittania smol by CyrillCipher: The winner is: Vile.

Victor - Vava by CyrillCipher

2 thoughts on “Attack of the Clones – Boba Fett vs. Vile

  1. Ah, dammit! I hate seeing Boba Fett lose so many fights!

    But this was fun to read nonetheless. I really loved the scene where Boba pilots the Slave I, and the use of “Duel Of The Fates” at the end. Reading this gave me greater appreciation for a Mega Man villain I kinda ignored up till now.

    Overall, solid work as ever, my dude! 🙂


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